What other services does the library offer?


There is also a document scanner available on the first floor, and there are group study rooms available on the second floor. The library Study Room Process is listed below. Other services for AC students and employees include spiral binding with plastic rings, and lamination of items up to 25” wide.

Study Room Process

The study rooms of the AC Library are provided to give Angelina College students, faculty and staff a site for collaborative study and research. The study rooms are primarily provided for groups of three or more AC students. One or two people may use a room, but may be asked to vacate if all rooms are full and a group requests the room. Community patrons that live within the College’s service area are allowed to use the study rooms, but must vacate immediately if an AC patron group needs the room and no other rooms are available. Use of the rooms is limited to two-hour periods and users must check in at the service desk. Angelina College students and employees can reserve a study room one week in advance. Reservations will only be held for 15 minutes past the scheduled reservation time. After the initial two hours of usage, all library patrons may return to the service desk and request an extension for an additional two hours. This request must be made immediately at the end of the first two hours. If no other library patron needs to use the room, the prior room occupant may stay, but may be asked to vacate if another library patron request the room and no other rooms are available. Excessive noise by group may result in the group being asked to leave. Repeated misuse of the study rooms may result in usage being denied or disciplinary action taken.


  • Last Updated Sep 29, 2023
  • Views 51
  • Answered By Christopher Fanning

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